About Us

Our office is located in Bensalem, PA, we primarily operate in the Philadelphia metropolitan area. We specialize in the purchasing, placing, and operating of cold drink and snack vending machines.

  Solothom Enterprises was founded in 2022, succeeding one of the worlds most devastating health pandemics to date. To ensure the safety of the public and private sectors, social distancing regulations were created and many businesses were force to close their doors and/or terminate business. Resulting in, loss of jobs, business revenue, and a shortage of physical customers. This was troubling and intriguing time for our Founders; compelling them to think outside of the box. Consequently, forming what we now know as Solothom Enterprises LLC.

 Our business purpose is to develop creditability important to building relationships and maintaining trust with customers and vendors. We base our work on respect and trust by conveying ethical and honest behaviors. We look forward to serving our customer with exceptional customer service and promoting concrete relationships with the neighboring communities.